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Loving Comfort:
A Toddler Weaning Story

Mama’s milk has always been a part of Jack’s life, but that’s changing now that he’s a toddler, and that’s hard. But Mama’s cuddling arms, lullaby voice, and thump-thump heartbeat won’t change, even when the milk is gone. 

close-up of an illustration from Loving Comfort book
The final illustration in the Loving Comfort book, showing Jack cuddling with Mama.

The end of breastfeeding can be an emotional transition for a mom and her child. This book addresses the psychological aspects of weaning, focusing on the mother-child relationship and additional ways a mom provides comfort.

Scroll down for the English, Spanish, Italian, German, and French editions.


I wrote this book when I weaned my two year-old and a mom friend sought books about weaning to read with her son. I had learned so much from our local La Leche League chapter, and I wanted to write a story that reflected that philosophy as well as addressed my own mixed feelings and anxieties. (To be clear, La Leche League advocates child-led weaning, while this book is for moms who choose to put boundaries on their breastfeeding.)

My hope is that you will read this book with your toddler to reassure him or her that YOU are not going away when the milk does, and that it will help you feel secure that you have other ways to provide comfort when milk isn’t an option anymore.

Loving Comfort has helped tens of thousands of families since 2017 and is now in five languages. Heartfelt thanks to my talented translators, and to all moms who support each other on this tremendous journey of parenthood.

book cover for Loving Comfort: A Toddler Weaning Story

Loving Comfort:
A Toddler Weaning Story

“Loving Comfort is about the life of a nursing relationship for a mother and her son. With beautiful illustrations and wisdom from a mother who has been there, Loving Comfort is as much for mothers as it is for children who are learning about weaning.”
— Jessica Barton, MA, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant

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Coccole di latte:
Una storia di svezzamento dal seno

Il latte della mamma è sempre stato parte fondamentale della breve vita di Leo. Crescendo questo aspetto della sua vitasta cambiando. Ma le braccia calde della mamma, la sua voce dolce che lo ninna e il suo cuore che batte bum bum noncambieranno, nemmeno quando il latte non ci sara’ piu.

Traduzione di Camilla Fiorese

Maggiori informazioni:,

(all translations available in all Amazon markets)

Book cover for Italian edition, Coccole di latte
Book cover for German edition, Liebe Und Geborgenheit

Liebe und Geborgenheit:
Eine Geschichte über das Abstillen

Mamas Milch gehörte für Jakob von jeher zum Leben dazu. Doch nun, als Kleinkind, ändert sich das – und diese Umstellung ist schwer. Aber bald merkt er, dass Mama ihn auch weiterhin in den Arm nimmt, ihn in den Schlaf singt und für ihn da ist, auch wenn es keine Milch mehr gibt.

Übersetzung von Jana Kaminski

Erhältlich von,

(all translations available in all Amazon markets)


Confort D'amour:
Une histoire de sevrage pour bambins

Le lait de Maman a toujours fait partie de la vie du petit Léo. À mesure de grandir, la vie change et Léo trouve que c’est difficile de s’adapter au sevrage du lait maternel. Mais les bras câlins de Maman, sa voix douce and ses battements de coeur ne changeront pas, même lorsque son lait aura disparu.

Traduit de l'anglais par Courtney Ewart

En savoir plus:

(all translations available in all Amazon markets)

Book cover for French edtion, Confort D'amour
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